May 17, 2023Liked by Year Of The Opposite

I have a buddy in Franklin TN that has a similar neighborhood as your friends where kids just through all of the different yards, playing outside until a parent yells that it’s time to eat or come in. It is unique and definitely fulfilling to see.

Thanks for sharing the links. I journal by hand to combine the “unplugging” need with the recording of thoughts and feelings, but I do sacrifice the east search feature. Sometimes I stumble on other memories I didn’t intend to which is unforeseen benefit as well.

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That neighborhood feel reminds me of what I had growing up. We would play outside all the time and we would interact with tons of other children in the neighborhood. It's something that I hope that our son has during his childhood. Our current neighborhood doesn't seem to have a lot of children his age, but I'm sure that as he enters the school system we will be introduced to more of them that we haven't yet met.

That is awesome that you have been journaling. I really wish that I would have started earlier. It's such a valuable tool. I really love it.

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Awesome! I like the rating system! Seems like a great way to prime the writing pump. What is your average journal length over the years? Curious!

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Great question! I had to do a little spreadsheet magic to work this up but it turns out that the average number of words I write per journal is 120 words. It took me a while to figure that out lol

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Great stuff. Thanks. I have journaled off and on for the better part of 20 years. This post inspired me to be even more consistent. Send me the tool you use. I use Day One. The beauty of that app is you can take pictures, record voice notes, scan pages from books you’re reading. It is the mother lode of journaling apps. Again, thank you.

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Wow, 20 years. I wish I would have done that. You have so many memories recorded. Knowing you, I should have known you were a journal-guy. I have so much to learn from you. I just looked at Day One. It looks like the journaling tool I always wanted! Thanks for sharing that. I just sent you my little spreadsheet/form system that I use. Now I'm embarrassed about it lol. I wonder if I can import all of my old journals into Day One. This looks lika great tool. Thanks for sharing as always!

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