Apr 3, 2023Liked by Year Of The Opposite

Maybe do a write up on the tech that helps power your day to day habits for the better!? For me my Garmin Epix watch is core to my daily activities (walking, biking, hiking, sleep, etc)

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This is a great suggestion. I do have a few tools that I use and I’ve tested a bunch. Great idea. I’ll do this!

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Great letter! Walking is huge. Definitely something everyone should be doing consistently. Basic exercise, blood flow, digestion boost, fresh air and perform idea generation.

Another easy but powerful win... stop mouth breathing and focus on nasal breathing (day, night and even exercising). Check out the book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art.

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Great entry. Good length and depth and references to health data, atomic habits, etc. Thanks for your transparency on the topics and the time you are committing to share!

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