Thank you for sharing this with us Travis. I lost my brother unexpectedly last August and it completely altered my world. Grief is a unique emotion/experience that creates a new normal in which you have to find the positive, reflect on the memories, and reevaluate what is truly important. Stay encouraged and keep sharing!

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Shalonna, I'm so sorry to hear of your brother's passing. My thoughts are with you. I hope that you have found productive ways to process your grief and turn his tragic loss into a point of inspiration. I know how hard it can be. Thank you for sharing with me your story and for reading mine. It give me comfort to know that I'm not in this alone.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 4, 2023·edited Nov 4, 2023
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Blane, I haven't heard from you. Are you going to reach out review the cause of death as listed on his death certificate? I'm hoping that we can just clear this up for you.

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I know how hard it can be to accept that he’s gone. I’m going through the same thing. For nearly 6 months we had to deal with the additional tragedy that we didn’t have the autopsy and toxicology report. I can only tell you exactly what the autopsy and toxicology report. Which I did in this post. You can feel free to email me and/or call me and I’d be happy to provide you a copy for you to read for yourself. Travisstoliker@gmail.com. I’m sorry you’re still struggling with the grief and I hope this information can give you some closure. But just to be clear, it’s inappropriate and wrong to spread incorrect information. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to do that to the family. So I hope you’ll reconsider your actions knowing that it can cause real harm and is factually incorrect. I wish you the very best.

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